Why ilooklikeLOVE?
ilooklikeLOVE supports and invests in mothers during times of transition and change, ultimately strengthening families and positively impacting the greater community. Shortly after a newborn takes its first breath, a clean diaper is among its most immediate needs. As the baby grows, this need only continues. According to the National Diaper Bank Network, one in three mothers in the United States in 2022 experienced “diaper need,” defined as the inability to afford enough diapers to keep their babies clean, dry and healthy. The National Diaper Bank Network reports that the average monthly cost of diapers in Texas for one child is $80 (2022), and an infant may wear up to 2,500 diapers in its first year alone.
In 2021, the estimated yearly cost to raise an infant in Texas was $17,879 (LendingTree). The cost of infant care in Texas makes up an average of 33 percent of the income brought in by single-parent households, and most childcare providers require parents to provide diapers for their children (National Diaper Bank Network). In 2021, 50 percent of households with children in the South Dallas zip code of 75215 were headed by women, and 36 percent of those households live at or below the poverty level (U.S. Census Bureau). Additional costs in the first year of life include car seats, insurance premiums, medical bills, strollers, formula and medication. These expenses can be oppressive, especially for single-income households.
What We Do
Through years of research and hands-on experience, the leadership of ilooklikeLOVE found that the need for diapers presented an opportunity to not only improve health outcomes for babies, but also to educate young mothers about money management, parenting and career advancement, factors that would prevent long-term need. Since the organization’s inception, it has distributed over 800,000 diapers and served more than 10,000 families, and 261 mothers have been served by EmpowerU.
The Mobile Diaper Pantry distributes baby care essentials to families in need through a commercial van known as “Big Baby," which serves clients through distribution events that provide diapers and wipes to participating WIC families. Eligible families can receive 100 diapers and wipes for up to two children. Advance registration is rarely required, and to date, the events have been held at five WIC offices in Dallas.
EmpowerU includes the Mommy Mentoring Cohort and Money Camp, each addresseing the unique challenges of low- or no-income families headed by single mothers and offering steps to improving family resiliency. By helping women develop life skills and financial stability, ultimately culminating in stable employment and sustainability by their baby's first birthday, ilooklikeLOVE is breaking the cycle of poverty for mothers living in South Dallas.
Emergency Assistance is available for women experiencing a crisis such as domestic violence, job loss or housing insecurity who urgently need diapers and infant hygiene item. Women are referred to ilooklikeLOVE through community partners to arrange a time to pick up the items they need from the ilooklikeLOVE office in South Dallas. The referred families receive 100 diapers, along with infant care and hygiene necessities, which fill an urgent need in times of transition and trauma.
Global Baby Showers offer mothers in the community a moment to celebrate the life or upcoming birth of their babies, while also serving as an education opportunity. ilooklikeLOVE partners with donors and community organizations to offer books, baby clothes, blankets, bottles, car seats and strollers at no cost to the mothers, and educational topics range from breastfeeding to potty training and provide crucial support to women at many stages of their parenting journey.