25 Donations of $25 = 1875 meals

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Storehouse Community Center

GOAL: 25 donations of $25 to help The Storehouse provide food, clothes and care for our community.

7 donors

raised $825

25 donor goal

NTX Giving Day - September 22, 2022

Please join me this week by making a donation to support the mission of The Storehouse of Collin County.

25 donations of $25 can help provide 1875 meals, 35 winter coats, 15 textbooks for ESL Students or access to additional resources and assistance.

I invite you to share this with your family and friends and thank you in advance for your support. The Storehouse of Collin County

This fundraiser supports

organization image

The Storehouse Community Center

Organized By Jacque Devonport

Giving Activity


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