House of Shine Garden & Expansion Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

House of Shine

Our greatest need is our HOUSE OF SHINE Expansion Campaign. Thank you for paying it forward

3 donors

raised $2,750

4,000,000 donor goal

Our greatest need is our HOUSE OF SHINE Garden and Expansion Campaign. Due to increased demand for our self-discovery, community betterment and leadership development programs/tools, House of Shine has obtained more space and land to expand our programs and impact on our world. This year we are embarking on a comprehensive campaign to raise $4,000,000 in order to create additional space for personal and community betterment. Join us in transforming lives and communities! 

House of Shine’s (HOS) mission is to provide programming and tools that enable people, organizations, and communities to thrive. HOS is centered around the study and discovery of YOU. The primary goal is to grow confident and self-aware leaders that make meaningful contributions in their corner of the world. HOS lives out this mission by offering programs, tools, and an interactive museum to help individuals discover their S.H.I.N.E. The S.H.I.N.E framework stands for strengths, hobbies, interests/irritants, needs, and experiences. S.H.I.N.E. is something we all possess and can utilize in our communities through the Be. Do. Share. method, which is to be who you are, do what you love, and share it back with your community.


Thank you for supporting House of Shine. It is through the help and generosity of people like you that we can continue our work. Your compassionate support truly makes a difference!

Thank you for Paying It Forward at House of Shine! Thank you for choosing to Shine and helping us make the world a brighter place!

Katherine Behning, Director of Development 

Click this link to donate to House of Shine

For general donations: House of Shine is registered a 501©3 with the Tax ID; 46-5153923. No goods or services were received in return for your tax-deductible gift.

For sponsorships: House of Shine is registered a 501©3 with the Tax ID; 46-5153923. Good and services were received in return for your tax-deductible gift and will be subtracted from the sponsorship amount.


This fundraiser supports

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House of Shine

Organized By Kristen Bennett

Use of Funds

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