Support Hanna’s School!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

It's a Sensory World!
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Help support Hanna’s favorite place (and favorite people!) this North Texas Giving Day!


raised by 3 people

$350 goal

 Every brain is unique and Hanna’s is no exception. After her initial diagnosis, much to our dismay, Hanna’s Neurologists were unable to provide clear insight into how PVNH would affect her development. We quickly learned that finding safe, inclusive spaces for children with learning differences can be challenging. Which is why we are so incredibly thankful for It’s a Sensory World!

Hanna’s started out doing sensory motor circuits with one of ISW’s Sensory Coaches when she was just 2 years old. Now 5, she has started her third year at ISW Academy, and has absolutely thrived. 

The relationships Hanna has built with her peers and teachers have been a crucial part of her growth. Their support, understanding, and patience have been instrumental in her progress. 

Your support can ensure that this haven continues to empower children to reach their full potential. Please consider donating during this year’s North Texas Giving Day to keep It’s a Sensory World shining brightly. Every contribution counts!

This fundraiser supports

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It's a Sensory World!

Organized By Jac F

Giving Activity


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