Research for Lyme Disease treatments

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Texas Lyme Alliance
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There are few treatment options for vector-borne diseases that effectively eradicate infections.


raised by 1 people

$50,000 goal

Through the diligence of our scientific medical board, we have been following progress with promising treatment options at reputible labs. 

One of the most exciting we are focused on this fundraiser, is with Dr. Timothy Haystead of Duke University who's working on the late Dr. Neil Spector's research.  Novel Inhibitors Targeting Borrelia HtpG as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents need funding for animal data for clinical trials.  Specifically funding to finish their PET studies originally funded by Bay Area.  It is estimated to need a whopping $10 million to complete the clinical study, we will start small and work our way up.  Click here for a brief presentation on this novel approach that is proving in vivo to detect and eliminate infection: HtpG presentation.

We believe that this highly specific diagnostic and therapeutic will change the trajectory of treating patients with vector-borne illness, with greater long-term success. None of this work will be applied if awareness is not a priority so people get diagnosed.  

*Not medical advice and not a recommendation for care.

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