Join The Family, Join The Journey

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bridges Safehouse, Inc
Fundraiser image

We invite you to join the Bridges Family as we serve families in crisis on their journey of life!


raised by 19 people

$1,500 goal

 Each day we have the privilege to serve, support and solidify families whose life journey is extra difficult at this time. Families in need of our services consist of single dads, moms, adoptive grandparents and married couples that struggle to make those ends meet when one person in the household is working.  Serving and supporting our families as we navigate to solidify a plan for their journey produces a JOY within the heart that trandscends their situation.

Pictured is the Bridges Family Resource Center Diaper Hub as of 9/18/2023

Fact: Most childcare facilities require parents to provide diapers for their child. Nationally, 57% of parents experiencing diaper needs who rely on childcare said they missed an average of four days of school or work in the past month because they didn't have diapers.

Fact: An average monthly supply of diapers costs approximately $125/month PER CHILD. 

This year we are fundraising for families in crisis through the Bridges Family Resource Center which covers vital areas: emergency assistance, diapers, wipes, baby furniture, housing, food, education, mental health, legal aid, employment training, technology access, basic necessities, counseling, BIG hugs and pats on the back, transportation, and community support. 

Here is how to support Bridges Safehouse, Inc on this North TX Giving Day. 

Mark Your Calendar: Save the date for September 21, 2023, and plan to make a donation on that day. If you can't make it on the 21st, you can also make an early gift between September 1-20. 

Spread the Word: Share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone in your network who might be interested in supporting Bridges Safehouse, Inc. The more people who know, the more impact can be made. 

Remember, every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. 

Together, we can make North TX Giving Day 2023 a huge success!

Can we depend on you to help us serve these families in crisis and provide the necessities ie.....diapers, formula, and more for these babies?

Giving Activity


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