Under the Bridges Safehouse, Inc umbrella, we house two crucial initiatives: Bridges Safehouse and the Bridges Family Resource Center.
Thousands of families rely on the Bridges Family Resource Center.
We work with AMAZING community partners to provide families with classes they can use for a lifetime:

Wings offers classes to our weekly and monthly classes to our residents and clients. Classes include Self-Esteem, Time Management, Finance and 1 on 1 Support.

EOC Education Opportunity Partner, assists our clients and residents with completing their GED and enrolling in college with one on one service and enrollment.
We also provide our weekly parenting classes:

Bright Course classes include, first year of life, raising toddlers, for pregnant moms, breastfeeding classes, along with financial classes. One mom has stated, "These classes taught me how to recognize illness and treat injuries that may happen to my toddlers, I am grateful and they are a fun way to learn things that will help in real life right on my cell phone."
This center is an actual lifeline for families in need, offering essentials like diapers, pull-ups, baby wipes, clothing, hygiene items, and education. We provide support for pregnancy and maternity, along with vital resources like Walmart gas cards to ensure our residents can attend medical appointments, interviews, work, and daycare.
While some items are generously donated by our community and corporate partners, the majority must still be purchased by the Bridges Family Resource Center.