Help me support Camp Fire! - Katie Briggs

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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I care about Camp Fire First Texas and their mission to provide educational opportunities for youth.


raised by 7 people

$500 goal

By making a gift on North Texas Giving Day, you will help Camp Fire expand its fleet of vehicles (from 3 to 4). This additional multi-purpose, multi-passenger vehicle will allow more Camp Fire youth to go on field trips, college tours, and social service engagement opportunities. 

These valuable experiences:

🧑‍✈️Introduce youth to career possibilities by visiting multiple types of businesses, including aviation, beauty services, health sciences, and science/research.

🎣Leverage the impact of the outdoor environment on the brain to educate and connect children and teens to each other and the world around them.

🎓Expose teens to a variety of post-secondary education opportunities with tours of universities, colleges, and vocational-technical schools and programs.

🦾Reinforce S.T.E.A.M. education with field trips that provide hands-on opportunities to view and make art, gaze at stars in a planetarium, learn how a working farm is run, build and tinker with Snapology and robotics, and much more.

🍎Instill a sense of community and good citizenship with social service engagement projects like picking up trash along the Trinity River, filling boxes at the food bank, and meeting a Texas State Representative.

Will you RIDE with Camp Fire by making a gift on North Texas Giving Day? 

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Katie Briggs

Giving Activity


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