Supporting NICA

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Northside Inter-Community Agency, Inc.
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Helps us continue our mission, to provide a hand-up not a hand-out to those in need.


raised by 0 people

$20,000 goal

By Donating to NICA you are helping provide aid to those in need. With our agency we are able to provide one-on-one client support, through our wrap around services. The Northside Inter-Community Agency has committed to providing food, clothes and self-help programs to families and individuals.  Offering direction for more long-term objectives; these objectives are accomplished through case management, coaching, and community action efforts. NICA aims to empower and provide opportunities to get people back to self-sufficiency.  Through our various programs we can provide food for those facing food insecurities with our Food Pantry, clothing for job interviews and everyday wear through our Thrift store. We also are able to aid senior citizens within the community through minor home repairs and services for those economically disadvantaged. Looking toward our future we provide the youth within the community with the ability to lead others, shape public opinion and serve as positive role models for their peers.

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