Board Member Kirk Lundblade

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Every gift made through my page will receive an additional 1:1 match by The Morris Foundation. :-)


raised by 1 people

$5,000 goal

My passion for Fortress comes from a humbling realization of the blessedness of the life God has given me. My family and I have a heartfelt desire to bless others, and by supporting the efforts of Fortress, we are able to bless the children of Fort Worth's Historic Southside so that they can realize the brightest possible future for their lives.

As a board member since 2010 and a member of its financial stewardship committee for longer than that, I am intimately familiar with the care and consideration with which every dollar is spent. Our leadership staff works diligently and creatively to leverage each gift to deeply impact the mission they are so passionate about. 

That's why I'm so appreciative today for this match from The Morris Foundation. They understand that we can do more together, and I'm deeply grateful that they trust Fortress and our ability to steward their gifts well. Please join me today by leveraging your own gift with a match from The Morris Foundation through my page.

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” – Luke 12:48

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