Daniel Sneed - Dallas United Crew

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Dallas United Crew
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raised by 8 people

$1,000 goal

At Dallas United, we represent the best of the best when it comes to athletic performance. However, we are routinely limited to racing in sub-par equipment that is prone to breaking and malfunction. This has, and will continue to mean the difference between winning and losing a race. And with so few races in a given season, it is imperative that DUC operates with equipment that will not fall apart in the middle of a race. That is why I am asking you to donate what you can. Even a few dollars to replace a washer or a bolt will go a long way in ensuring that DUC becomes the premier rowing team in the state, region, and maybe even the nation.  You can decide that today, and bring Dallas United onto the national stage, where we will leave no doubt!

This fundraiser supports

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Dallas United Crew

Organized By Denty Sneed

Giving Activity


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