
Fundraiser image

Please help save the Wildlife, our precious wildlife is at risk due to continuous construction.


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

#GivingTuesday is around the corner on November 28.  But you can give your gift in early and help us make a BIG difference for Wildlife animals across the globe. 🌍

As you know we take in so many special non releasable Bobcats and so many other wildlife, every donation that is made is a huge help to our sanctuary. All donations are tax deductible.

Please choose: Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary 



Or you can donate directly:

PayPal: paypal.me/ TylertheBobcat

Venmo: @SWRRS

Zelle: 817-422-6080

paypal.com/us/fundraiser/ charity|4020854

Giving Activity


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