Frazier Kids Program

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Frazier Revitalization
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Help kids in the Frazier community get the materials they need to be academically successful!


raised by 1 people

$50,000 goal

Here's a breakdown of what your donation will go towards to help kids in the Frazier community!

Goal: $30,000
The purchase of a van and/or raising money to support transportation needs will benefit a large percentage of residents served through our programs who do not have reliable transportation. In our continued efforts with program expansion, athletic engagements, and providing cultural excursions that align youth with program enrichment, your donation will help foster a significant increase in impact.  
Goal: $10,000

Supports program engagement by incorporating more technology that encourages enrichment. Currently, we need 15 laptops equipped with proper software (Microsoft office, Adobe software, educational applications, and music production software). In addition to that, supporting accessories such as headphones, game consoles, microphones, and turn tables too. They will be used for homework, school projects, mixed media projects, and research.  

Clothing Resources
Goal: $10,000
Will provide in-house support for school uniforms, shoes, and everyday wear to supplement the parents of between 45-100 youth in need of additional resources. Those with unreliable transportation and/or living on a fixed income often struggle to prioritize the ongoing upkeep and purchases of clothing. To align with our engagement in athletics, we also want to provide our Frazier Kids athletic teams (basketball, football, cheerleading) with jerseys to officialize uniformity and eliminate barriers faced in acquiring items to participate.

Use of Funds

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