NTX Giving Day 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Christians Engaged

Help us reach 43,478 more Christians (only 46 cents per per person) and activate them for America.

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100 donor goal

Christians Engaged exists to awaken, empower and educate the Church in America and plug them into habits of prayer, voting and engagement for the wellbeing of our nation. We are non-partisan, biblical, and look at what is happening in America from a Kingdom Perspective. We have built the only 501(c)3 voter mobilization communication system for the Body of Christ in the nation - sending out 4 texts and 4 emails around every election so Christians never forget an election again. We have strategic ministry partnerships with national and local ministries and churches, produce on-demand video curriculum packages, provide a free weekly show and multiple articles a week, and empower Christians in civics and biblical worldview to make an impact in America from a faith perspective. 

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