The AUsome Allen Foundation for ALL Special Needs

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Ausome Allen Foundation Inc
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We are building an accessible playground that has it ALL including a wheelchair accessible treehouse


raised by 0 people

$500,000 goal

Throughout the year the Ausome Allen foundation hosts various events to help support individuals with special needs and abilities. Our foundation gives special needs individual a chance to be a part of a team bigger than their diagnosis and be stronger than their challenges. We want them to know that they are not alone and are covered with love and support within their AUsome Allen family. It is our hope that those individual, affectionately referred to as hero’s, participate in our events. Our foundations motto is ability not disability. Our purpose is to raise money to help our hero’s and their families live full and happy lives. We take great pride in our growing ability to supply networking, resources, and support for hero’s and their families. With help from a variety of doctors we hope to provide emotional and physical support along creating lifelong friendships and trust. 

The team we have at AUsome Allen is untouchable! Their hearts are big enough to change the world. We believe that with the help of sponsors to drive forward our message we will be able to reach out far enough to change the world!

We believe a big part of a successful and fun filled life is physical, emotional, mental health. This includes having an outlet, such as a place to go where you can play, hang out with friends and family, celebrate, and just be yourself. Somewhere where there is no judgement when a moment is overstimulating for you or your child. We want to create a place for comfort and joy. After all, it’s good for the heart. 

To be able to have this opportunity to provide this space for our hero’s and their loved ones is the ultimate dream for us! To make this happen, we have partnered with Whirlwix, the builders of The Dream Park in Fort Worth, Texas. With their expertise we will build a plan to construct the AUsome Allen Playground. Also available with be two birthday party rooms specifically designed to help families of heroes to host a stress-free birthday experience. We will have a nature trail that wraps around the physical park that has wheelchair access that delivers the ‘good ol outdoors’ experience. The trail will include educational interactive toys, informative to the surrounding trees and possible animal sightings. We are working diligently with our partners at Whirlwhix to build a two story, wheelchair accessible treehouse with views of the whole park. The ground will be made of rubber, displaying our sponsors logos in puzzle pieces to mimic the Hollywood stars. It is our hope that this park will forever change the lives of all the special needs heroes in our community. 

In addition to the park, we hope to continue the original mission of AUsome Allen was to sponsor heroes to attend a summer camp geared towards those with special needs and abilities being able to have the experience so many hold dear from their childhood. This camp allows them to safely get out of their comfort zone and be encouraged to try new things. These experiences will help heroes develop skills in areas that will help the keys to a successful life. 

Together we will change the world with and for our special needs heroes! To find out more about us and our upcoming events that include special needs heroes and celebrities go to We are hopeful that you will consider joining or growing group of sponsors, monthly partners, and volunteers. 

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