Heavenly Hooves Therapeutic & Recreational Riding

Fundraiser image

A covered arena is desperately needed to provide our special needs students shelter when riding.


raised by 5 people

$150,000 goal

Heavenly Hooves students desperately need a covered riding arena to be able to have consistent sessions without cancellations due to extreme heat, cold or muddy conditions.

All students can and will benefit greatly from a covered riding arena, however for some, it can literally have a great impact on lengthening their lifespan, and enhancing their quality of life.  While some students have a terminal diagnosis - this type of program (our program), can provide not only physical strengthening but an emotional joy for the student AND the family!  Watching your child do what doctors said they would not do - Seeing the smiles and the accomplishments that you know will be a memory far too soon! - Advocating for their children to do everything they can and challenge them for more!

We love what we have been blessed to be a part of and every family is now part of our big Heavenly Hooves family.

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