Monthly Donor Pledge for CASA of Wise & Jack

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

CASA of Wise and Jack Counties
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Your donation will cover the cost to recruit, to train and to supervise a volunteer for one year.

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40 donor goal

When you sponsor a child for $100 per month with CASA of Wise and Jack Counties, you are helping train and support volunteer advocates to look out for the best interests of children who have been abused or neglected in communities that need your help the most.

Sponsor a child who has been abused or neglected find safety and a chance to thrive.

You can donate now to provide a CASA Volunteer to a foster child on the waiting list to have a volunteer of their own. Your donation will cover the cost to recruit, to train and to supervise the volunteer for one year. Please choose the level of sponsorship that you would like to contribute:

  • $100/month: Provides a CASA Volunteer to a child for one year

  • $50/month: Provides a CASA Volunteer to a child for six months

  • $25/month: Provides a CASA Volunteer to a child for three months

Or, give any amount possible. All donations are welcomed and aid in the advocacy for these children. Your sponsorship is helping to build a movement of individuals in our community that tirelessly works to ensure every child who needs a best-interest advocate can have one.

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