Take Me Home Pet Rescue

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Take Me Home Pet Rescue
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Take Me Home Pet Rescue is dedicated to reducing our homeless pet population.


raised by 29 people

$60,000 goal

I volunteer for Take Me Home Pet Rescue!

I love the puppies and the kittens that I get to cuddle with! I love the dogs and cats I get to help! I volunteer and I foster and I have learned so much from this journey.  Ava says it best! 


Every moment is so fulfilling.  The picture above shows sweet Chance, who had been neglected by his owner. He was very weak and ill when he came to us. He has had extensive (and expensive) vet care and lots of love because we believe living beings deserve more.  We even built him a Bailey Chair!  

We can help North Texas minimize its homeless pet population! We want to save as many as possible.  Please help us do this.  Donate here during North Texas Giving Day.  


This fundraiser supports

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Take Me Home Pet Rescue

Organized By Janet M Ross

Giving Activity


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