Create Sustainable Reentry Support in Dallas

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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raised by 1 people

A PEP Reentry Sponsorship provides a lifeline for those rejoining their communities. This comprehensive program provides critical services and guidance to help our graduates navigate the challenges of reintegration and build stable, productive lives.

Our commitment to helping incarcerated individuals successfully reintegrate into society doesn't end when they leave the prison walls. In fact, that's when our most critical work begins. We are proud to introduce you to our 90-Day Reentry Support Program, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring the lasting success of our program participants.

Your contribution to the 90-Day Reentry Support Program is an investment in second chances, reduced recidivism, and stronger, more resilient communities. With your help, we can equip program graduates with the tools and resources they need to build stable, law-abiding lives.

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