"Delivering Fresh Hope: Fueling Change

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Services of Hope Entities, Inc
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As we strive to transform lives of low to moderate income families (LMI).


raised by 1 people

$150,000 goal

In partnership with the City of Dallas, Services of Hope is tackling a pressing issue – the lack of access to fresh, nutritious food. Families residing in food deserts and individuals facing mobility challenges find themselves trapped in a cycle of limited options and compromised health. And within this challenge lies an opportunity for us to make a profound difference.

for the past 19 years, our commitment to creating sustainable and equitable communities has never been stronger. We believe that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, deserves access to fresh fruits and vegetables. That's why we have launched, "Delivering Fresh Hope: Fueling Change."

This campaign aims to raise $150,000 to acquire a much-needed refrigerated truck, electric forklift, and quality fresh fruits and vegetables. These are all lifelines that will revolutionize our ability to deliver fresh produce directly to the doorsteps of families throughout North Texas. With this vital asset, we can transcend the limitations imposed by food deserts, disabilities, and lack of transportation.

Imagine the impact of a refrigerated truck rolling into underserved neighborhoods, efficiently being distributed with assistance of an electric forklift to carry the pallets of vibrant fruits and vegetables. Envision the relief on the faces of parents knowing that their family can now enjoy nutritious meals without the worry of limited options.

By supporting our campaign, you become an integral part of this transformative story. Your generous contributions will empower us to acquire the refrigerated truck $75,000, two (2) electric forklifts $15,000, and - grade A fresh fruits and vegetables $60,000.  each contributing to change in the lives of those who need it the most. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of food insecurity and build a brighter future for our communities.

With the "Delivering Fresh Hope" campaign, we are not just delivering produce; we are delivering dignity, hope, and a pathway to a healthier life. Through your support, we can break down the barriers that have trapped families in a cycle of limited resources and unlock a world of fresh possibilities.

Join us in this journey to fuel change and make a lasting impact on the lives of our neighbors. Your donation, no matter the size, will contribute to the realization of our shared vision. Together, we can transform North Texas into a place where fresh food is not a luxury but a fundamental right for all.

Let's come together and be the driving force behind this essential change. Together, we will deliver fresh hope to those who need it the most, one delivery at a time.

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