Environmental justice is a civil right!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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I have supported neighborhood mobilizations with DAR for 2.5 years, help us continue the fights!


raised by 14 people

$1,500 goal

I grew up in Dallas without needing to worry if it was safe to play outside and that changed for me when I found out about Shingle Mountain in 2020. I learned that other neighbors in Dallas didn't have that same privilege...and haven't for over a century.

When the City of Dallas wouldn't step up for Marsha Jackson in fighting Shingle Mountain, Downwinders supported her neighborhood. When Janie Cisneros found out the GAF shingle factory next door is the largest polluter in West Dallas and is operating illegally, Downwinders supported her neighborhood. When Alicia Kendrick moved to Joppa and saw her infant's health decline because of concrete batch plants and a shingle factory, Downwinders supported her neighborhood.

And more neighborhoods are asking for help. Our organization is growing in order to meet the needs of our neighbors and to catalyze capacity building efforts in their neighborhoods.

  1. Your donations help Downwinders support the most impacted neighborhoods here in DFW fighting for self determination even when political processes attempt to shut them up and out. Those most affected should be centered in the decision-making.
  2. Environmental injustice is in the air across the city, and your donations help us monitor that air for a cleaner future.
  3. Every dollar donated helps fight for cleaner air and better democracy in our city.

If you have clean air and access to make change in Dallas, donate to support a neighbor fighting for those same rights.

(Image credit above to Jonathan Johnson / KERA)

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Organized By Collin Yarbrough

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