Melissa Contreras-Freshman

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Heritage Highsteppers Booster Club
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raised by 2 people

$1,000 goal

Hello!! My name is Melissa Contreras. I am a Freshman rookie on Heritage High School's drill team, The Highsteppers!! I love drill team more than anything and can't imagine who else I would want to do it with than with my INCREDIBLE team! I am very grateful for the position I have worked for this year and have loved every second of it! We are known as the GOLDEN PRIDE of our school and we work every day to make this school a place that everyone enjoys!! As an organization we LOVE our community and are constantly finding ways to give back and serve our friends and family. This year we have been given the opportunity to take a trip to Nashville, Tennessee to further our team bonding and our dance careers. It would mean so much to me and my team if you would consider donating to make this amazing opportunity a reality. Thank you!!

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