Your donation keeps Bert from disappearing
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Dallas Pets Alive!When you see what others don't, you can do what others won’t! Stand up for our homeless pets in NTX
2 donors
raised $80
30 donor goal
Bert’s health was deteriorating rapidly, facing the risk of disappearing. There was an urgent need to move him out of the shelter. A DPA foster acted swiftly, opening both her heart and her home to Bert. Bert went to his first vet visit yesterday at Mazie's Mission where we discovered the following:
🚨 Incidental finding of 3 bullets in Bert
🚨 Tested positive for HW (Heartworms) and his upper respiratory tested positive for CIV (Canine Influenza Virus)
🚨 Arthritus - Muscle loss and stiffness in his back legs
🚨 Flea and Tick Infested
🚨 Probable dental disease (Mr. Bert was not comfortable opening his mouth)
🚨 Severely underweight with a slow gait He has received medication for his skin, pain and inflammation, and heart and chest infections. Bert will go back to the vet in two weeks on skin, weight, and gait.
The total cost of his medical visit was $759.02
Your donation will help support Bert’s ongoing medical journey. He has a long journey ahead and he needs your pawsitive thoughts and well wishes. Every bit will make a difference. Please follow our page to follow along Bert’s journey. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Your Donation Keeps Homeless Pets from Disappearing!
When you see what others don't, you can do what others won’t! This North Texas Giving Day we are celebrating how a gift can give homeless pets a chance at a new life, to keep them from disappearing fro local shelters. Please help us stand up for our homeless pets here in North Texas!
Foster & Adoption Program: Fostering is the heart of Dallas Pets Alive’s rescue mission. The number of dogs and cats we can save depends entirely on the number of fosters who open their homes and hearts to our community’s homeless pets. Fosters provide a lifeline and a second chance for pets who may be underage, injured, or simply in need of some TLC before they can be adopted. DPA focuses on the pets that need us most, many coming to us with major medical issues or behavior needs. We believe each animal is worthy of getting a second chance at forever.
PASS Program: PASS provides resources to pet owners to keep animals out of shelters and offers virtual support for pet ownership hardships. "Unfortunately, when hardship strikes families, even the furriest members feel it," says Leslie Sans, Executive Director. In 2022, PASS prevented 399 pet surrenders and had over 2,000 interactions with families and individuals needing pet assistance. Since 2016, PASS has assisted 16,509 pet owners and has prevented 2,679 animals from being surrendered to local shelters.
DPA’s Foster-based Rescue Program needs funding for:
Every day, sick, injured and homeless pets are rescued by Dallas Pets Alive and our amazing fosters! The animals come in all breeds, sizes and colors. But one thing they all have in common is they need you in their corner to fight for them and ensure they will never have to feel pain again. When animals are
DPA fosters provide a lifeline and a second chance for pets who may be underage, injured, or simply in need of some TLC before they can be adopted. The positive impact a foster has on a dog’s or cat’s adoption prospects may depend on DPA having the resources for the medical care and training necessary to prepare that animal for success..
Most pets that come into our care have medical issues so severe that shelters don’t have the capacity to care for them. More than a 1⁄3 of the animals DPA helps are considered Major Medical Cases ($1,000 or more in medical expenses). In 2022 we spent close to $300,000 on medical treatment for animals from basic vaccinations to heartworm treatment to major surgeries.
An animal’s behavior problems can be frustrating and overwhelming, but many common issues can be addressed with a little knowledge, training and consistency. An experienced trainer can often be extremely expensive but can make the difference for an animal in search of its fur-ever home.
The families and individuals that seek out our PASS program are most in need of:
- All kinds of vet care from routine vaccines, spaying and neutering, to heart worm treatments, or assistance with major orthopedic surgeries.
- Temporary boarding for a pet during a crisis like: an owner’s emergency hospital stay, owner is sheltering from abuse, or a gap between living arrangements.
- Pet deposits can be very restrictive to families looking to adopt a new pet, or move to a new home.
- Hiring a trainer can often be extremely expensive and cost restrictive for some families. Our PASS program not only provides resources and recommendations for trainers, but can sponsor training sessions with our partners.
Thank you for supporting and donating to Dallas Pets Alive. Please feel free to spread the word about this great opportunity so we can save more lives!