Join us in providing medical care to our neighbors

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

CommonGood Medical (formerly Hope Clinic McKinney)
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Supporting Hope Clinic of McKinney provides free healthcare to the under-resourced in Collin County!

1 donors

raised $10

20 donor goal

Although 2022 has continued to offer many challenges for all of us, imagine facing these times without the assistance of health insurance or even the consistency of a paycheck that might cover high medical bills. Unfortunately, that's the plight for many of our neighbors -- the young mother you just saw at the grocery store or the line cook who made your burger.  These are the ones that, at times, have a need for the free, primary medical care offered at Hope Clinic of McKinney.   

Hope Clinic of McKinney is participating in North Texas Giving Day on September 22, 2022!  On this day, we especially celebrate the mission of sharing the love of Christ by partnering with our community to provide quality, compassionate health care to our medically under-served neighbors.  

In Collin County, one of the highest rates of ER use has come from the same zip code where Hope Clinic is located [75069]. If an ER patient is uninsured, these unreimbursed costs can be passed down to taxpayers. We believe our patients benefit from consistent preventive, acute and chronic healthcare, as well as from the dignity of receiving care at a medical home where they are known, rather than accumulating higher bills for care at the ER.   When you support Hope Clinic of McKinney, you are helping not only your neighbors, but also our community as a whole.

North Texas Giving Day is a critical fund-raising day for the clinic, which has served Collin County since 2017. Donations allow the clinic to provide counseling, medication, health testing, primary care and specialist care:

Consider this:

  1. $10 provides lab work for one patient;
  2. $25.00 provides medication for three patients for one month;
  3. $50.00 provides clinic medical supplies for 50 patients for one month;
  4. $100.00 provides essential lab tests for four new patients;
  5. $200.00 covers all costs associated with 1 typical appointment;
  6. $500.00 provides five Well Woman health exams and screenings;
  7. $1,000.00 provides twelve months of health care to an uninsured patient

Now more than ever, our neighbors need our help.  Please join me with a donation today to support Hope Clinic of McKinney! 

This fundraiser supports

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CommonGood Medical (formerly Hope Clinic McKinney)

Organized By Stephen Twyman

Giving Activity


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