Victorious Disciples Ministries, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$2,350 raised by 18 donors

Our Needs

We are currently focused on building and developing the Victorious Disciples Institute, to train in the areas of leadership development, spiritual development and discipleship.


The mission of Victorious Disciples Ministries, Inc. is to equip disciples and of Jesus Christ to IMPACT the world. Our mission is currently being accomplished by providing discipleship training, leadership development and spiritual renewal through teaching and leadership development forums.

With the vision of a multiplying, multi-cultural and multi-racial ministry, Victorious Disciples Ministries was established as a non-profit (501C-3) in 2006. Since that time, Victorious Disciples has spread internationally.

This ministry continues to be committed to seeing lives transformed and desires now to address the vast problem of non-discipleship and lack of leadership development through establishing Victorious Disciples Institute.


Resources and Technology/Software to offer online courses and classes on leadership and discipleship.

Equity Statement

Our ministry currently has $0 liabilities because we do not own any property or have any financial debt.

Organization Data


Organization name

Victorious Disciples Ministries, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)




Religion/Spiritual Focus

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Dallas, Tarrant

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


PO Box 1803
Cedar Hill, TX 75104



Social Media