UP ministry

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$20,000 Goal

UP ministry serves at-risk kids (qualifying for free and reduced lunch) in our local communities, which includes Argyle, Denton, and surrounding areas. The following are our main mission areas:

Fuel UP: Our BIGGEST mission area! We provide over 300 weekend meal packs every week to local kids who struggle with food insecurity on the weekends. This mission runs all year long, rain or shine. 

Gear UP: Our annual school supply, uniform and shoe drive. This includes a back-to-school event providing students with the ability to select a backpack, receive grade appropriate school supplies, and other needed items to start the new school year with confidence. This mission also provides fall clothes and jackets.

UP ministry Angels: Christmas angel tree mission. We are bringing GOOD NEWS and GREAT JOY to kids this Christmas (Luke 2:10) by providing wishes for kids and family activities.  

Throughout the year, we continue to answer specific calls for more supplies, clothing, and food for the schools and families we serve as needed.

Our Needs

We are currently raising awareness and funds to increase our impact this year through our current missions, especially our Fuel UP mission that continues to grow as food insecurity amongst kids continues to grow. 


To reach out and lift up the local kids in our community by providing needed items, establishing long-term relationships, and cultivating a missional community with volunteers.

Organization Data


Organization name

UP ministry

Tax id (EIN)




Economic/Financial Security/Poverty, Hunger, Food Access & Nutrition, Youth & Children

Operating Budget

$100,000 - $249,999

Counties Served


BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx


413 Boonesville Bnd
Argyle, TX 76226



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