Organization name
Kensington Arts and Education
Operating Budget
$500,000 - $999,999
580 Decker Drive Suite 205Irving, TX 75062
We provide Arts-infused programs and services that promote social and emotional wellness for schools and organizations. Also, we offer advocacy and workshops for parents of children with special needs. This includes attendance of school-related meetings to ensure that parents have adequate representation and insight on the implications of their child with disabilities and special needs. Our comprehensive school support services ranges from professional development for teachers and educational leaders to out-of-school time youth programming and services to support mental and social/emotional wellness.
Tablets/Laptops for students (100)
Musical instruments
Art supplies
Digital cameras and A/V (audio/visual) equipment
Admissions passes to local museums and cultural events
4-18 passenger vans
We support schools and communities through Education, Social Emotional Wellness and the Arts.
Kensington Arts and Education recognizes that low-income and disadvantaged communities of color are most affected by racial, political and social impacts. In order to successfully amplify their voices, we are intentional on providing programs and services using a lens of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.
Organization name
Kensington Arts and Education
Operating Budget
$500,000 - $999,999
580 Decker Drive Suite 205