Goodwill North Central Texas

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$3,000 Goal

Goodwill is more than a thrift store. The largest employer of people with disabilities in the world, Goodwill believes that work has the power to transform lives by building self-confidence, independence, creativity, trust and friendships. Everyone deserves this chance.

Goodwill North Central Texas's 27 retail locations provide revenue through the sale of donated goods to support Goodwill's mission - job training and career services for people with disabilities, such as physical or mental disabilities and other barriers to employment including lack of education or work experience and to vulnerable populations including the homeless, at-risk youth, veterans and the formerly incarcerated. For more information on Goodwill North Central Texas, please visit


The mission of Goodwill North Central Texas is to Create lives of independence and help build a stronger local community.


Goodwill North Central Texas is seeking funding for several keystone programs including initiatives focusing on the homeless, at-risk youth, veterans, the disadvantaged and the disabled.

While our retail business model allows us to self fund most of our programs, the Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately taught us that a: we can't completely depend on our stores to sustain us and b: there is simply not enough revenue generated in our stores to assist all of the people in our community that need help. In 2022, we served more than 7,000 people through our 28+ unique programs and services and employed over 1000 more through our different departments and contracts. Imagine how many more we could help with additional funding.

Equity Statement

The mission of Goodwill North Central Texas is to "Create lives of independence and help build a stronger local community", a community that is widely diverse and represented by our employees and clients at all levels of the organization. In the spirit of our Agency's mission and our continuous effort and commitment to foster, cultivate, and preserve a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion for not only employees but also the people that we serve throughout the community, we strive to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued

and respected because of their differences--A place where every employee or client can be themselves so they can reach their potential and achieve maximum independence.

Organization Data


Organization name

Goodwill North Central Texas

Tax id (EIN)




Employment & Workforce Development, Justice-involved adults or youth, Education - Career Prep

Operating Budget

$10,000,000 or more

Counties Served

Wise, Tarrant, Somervell, Parker, Palo Pinto, Montague, Johnson, Hood, Denton

BIPOC Serving

Other, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black or African American

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


PO Box 15520
Fort Worth, TX 76119



Social Media