The Dallas Opera

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

Our Needs

Your gift provides the support needed to place the final touches on The Dallas Opera’s upcoming season, while continuing to make possible free community performances, educational programs, and innovative digital programming to opera fans worldwide.

Your donation today would go directly towards:

  • Enriching community and educational programs, like TDO’s Education Portal and OperaTruck. The Education Portal provides students, teachers, and parents with learning materials and programming, largely free of charge. OperaTruck is a customized outdoor mobile stage designed to bring free, family-friendly productions to Greater Dallas communities. With your support, pop-up performances will be delivered on this 18-wheel "big rig" truck at various community-focused locations.
  • Family Performances of The Billy Goats Gruff and Pépito for just $5. These fun, kid-friendly productions help TDO inspire a new generation of opera lovers.
  • Four, full-scale mainstage operas, beginning with Puccini’s powerful Tosca, followed by the world premiere of Scheer’s Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Strauss’ thrilling Elektra, and Gounod’s lovely Romeo and Juliet.
  • Innovative digital programs on TDO's free streaming platform called thedallasopera.TV! Viewers worldwide can access full-length operas, concerts, and recitals-plus children's programs, insider insights, and fascinating original shows featuring the world's most admired stars from opera, film, and theater.
  • The return of The Robert E. and Jean Ann Titus Family Recital, a special tradition that brings Texas audiences today’s most important song recitalists. The phenomenal tenor, Lawrence Brownlee will join us for an exquisite afternoon at the Moody Performance Hall.
  • TDO Artist Development Programs such as The Dallas Opera’s Linda and Mitch Hart Institute for Women Conductors (HIWC) and the Biennial Lone Star Vocal Competition. HIWC is a groundbreaking Institute that seeks to address the extreme gender imbalance of leadership on the conductor’s podium. The Vocal Competition will feature young and talented opera singers who are just starting out their careers in opera performance. 


The Dallas Opera is a world-class performing arts organization producing outstanding mainstage and chamber opera repertoire, attracting national and international attention, committed to extensive community outreach and education, and managed to the highest possible standards of artistic excellence, accountability, efficiency and financial sustainability.

Equity Statement

The Dallas Opera believes that we have an obligation to be more reflective of our communities and that

the art form, the industry, and the city gain from diversity, equity and inclusion.

Equity: The Dallas Opera is committed to creating an equitable culture among its staff and board, and

across all its programs. The organization will work with its members to implement fair policies and

practices that create working environments free of prejudice, discrimination, and misogyny, and that

respect and inspire all people equally. Equity means fairness for all, regardless of race, ethnicity,

national origin, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, age, or disability status.

Diversity: Different perspectives, cultural histories, life experiences, and personal stories enrich the

style, scale, and subject of new works and the interpretations of the inherited repertoire, as well as

stimulate innovation at the organizational level. Diversity and gender parity recognize the richness of

our varied identities and experiences and affirm their contribution to our art form and the communities

we serve.

Inclusion: Leadership at The Dallas Opera has begun to examine the attitudes, behaviors, and barriers

that underlie the art form's exclusive traditions, while exploring ways to weave new connections into the

mosaic of contemporary American life. As we strive to establish mutually beneficial relationships with

other arts and non-arts organizations in our surrounding communities, newcomers to opera will be

introduced to the art form in a variety of settings and will be welcomed and valued as contributors to

programming and organizational decision-making. Inclusion goes beyond numerical diversity to ensure

authentic representation, empowered participation, and a true sense of belonging.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Dallas Opera

Tax id (EIN)




Arts, Culture & Humanities

Operating Budget

$10,000,000 or more

Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


2403 Flora St Ste 500
Dallas, TX 75201


214 443 1059

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