Christ's Angels Leaving Everlasting Blessings, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$1,500 Goal

IWe have been able to impact families by meeting them at their need. CALEB is a practical non-profit. We provide things such as; financial assistance, care packages filled with items needed for an unexpected hospital stay and most importantly, we provide hope. We let the families know that we are alongside them. Fighting cancer with it's ugly blows right with them. Families are grateful for the help we provide and their lives are impacted dramatically.

Our Needs

With over 5 billion dollars budgeted with the NCI, only a mere 4% goes toward pediatric cancer. Pediatric cancer is real and it's incidence is increasing. Christ's Angels Leaving Everlasting Blessings, Inc. has extensive programs and assitance to help ease the burdens of pediatric patients and families stricken with cancer. Not only do we help alleviate burdens, we help create lasting memories as well.
CALEB's major program is our "I AM" Pediatric Survivor Fashion Show. With the fashion show, we empower and inspire the patients stricken with the horrible disease of cancer. We let them know that regardless of their diagnosis they are fearfully and wonderfully made. One of our participants who has battled this horrible disease several times said, "It's my dream to be a model!" What a fulfilling moment to know instantly how you have positively impacted someone's life. Of course, having a fashion show incurs expenses. Costs such as; venue, snacks and clothes all contribute to the success of the show. CALEB is committed to creating pleasant lifetime memories for the afflicted.
Other activities throughout the year that require consistent help are as follows: monthly financial contribution to a pediatric cancer family, "Tote of Hope" Care packages, meals that heal and our "Evening of Art."
CALEB has extensive needs and immediate assistance is required. In order for CALEB to progress with our mission of serving, inspiring and empowering we need financial assistance from generous donors such as yourself. Your donation is more than a financial contribution, it will help bring a smile to a child's face. We are committed to "Making Memories" and easing the burden for the patient and family who happen to be going through the worst time in their lives. Please consider contributing. For someone, tomorrow may be too late. Don't Wait!


CALEB's mission is to serve, inspire, and empower individuals and families who are affected by cancer. We would like to let each survivor know that they are not fighting alone, that we are there with them from diagnosis and beyond.


We desperately need assistance to host our annual fashion show. We are in need of designers, make-up artists and donors to help make our signature event a memorable one.

Equity Statement

Organization Data


Organization name

Christ's Angels Leaving Everlasting Blessings, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)




Health Care, Social Services, Youth & Children

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Dallas, Ellis, Tarrant

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair


PO Box 1500
Red Oak, TX 75154



Social Media