Center Street Counseling Services, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

S.A.M. is a group of parents and professionals who want to help other parents connect more with their children: to address the growing and under-addressed problem of substance abuse in Mansfield, TX. Research indicates that "Parents are the most underutilized tool in preventing youth substance abuse." You may think by your children's reactions at times that you are not that much of an influence, yet research says differently. You are the most important person in your child's life. We believe that Parents have Superpowers! This is oh so critical as-Children are one third of our population and all of our future. Our children face a cross roads when they grow up as to what will be their direction of life. SAM believes that as they make choices about their future, your influence will be significant. It is true that "kids who learn about the risks of substance use from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use than those who do not." You really do have a super power.

Our Needs

Needs for this next year total:
1. $13,000 Marketing Expense, (Printing, Web Design and Hosting, Social Media Assistance)
2. $4,000 - Training Materials, (Curriculum Development with review, edits and updating; Binders, paper and copier costs
3. $3,500 - Community Outreach to festivals and public events, monthly networking with professionals and parents, and facility rentals/deposits
4. $22,750 - Personnel Expense for Counseling to Indigent Families, Speakers for Community Events, Administrative Assistance
5. $11,060 - Office Expense in rent, liability insurance, answering service, internet and telephone.


Center Street Counseling Services, Inc., through Substance Abuse Mansfield, S.A.M., improves family systems by training parents to better connect with their children--to lower underage use of drugs in our communities. To further sponsor mental health, we offer free and reduced rate counseling to the community.

Equity Statement

All persons qualify for our services regardless of race, creed, religious ideology, sexual orientation and identity, and national origin. Each person is free to grow in their own direction and their own pace. No ideology is imposed upon the client.

Organization Data


Organization name

Center Street Counseling Services, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)




Mental and Behavioral Health, Youth & Children, Social Services

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000


305 Regency Parkway Suite 601
Mansfield, TX 76063