Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$40,000 Goal

The Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation (TWCUYC) primarily supports urban youth between the age of 10 – 35. TWCUYC has been established to cater to the needs of underserved youth in our focus areas. We are committed to everyone needing help, leadership, and excellence under the tutelage and leadership of a determined and united staff team.

TWCUYC is no stranger to the communities we serve. Many of our staff and volunteers are Credible Messengers. A Credible Messenger is an accepted member of a community who works to aid and influence others in the community, usually intended to reduce violence. At TWCUYC, we know what it's like to be underserved, under-resourced, and in survival mode. Many of us grew up in dysfunctional homes, high-crime neighborhoods, and with a negative path paved for us. Our goal is to help create a positive environment for our youth to THRIVE.

Giving Activity


The Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation is driven by empowering underserved and under-resourced youth. We are committed to providing comprehensive programming and support services that directly cater to youth's unique needs, aspirations, and challenges.

Our mission is to nurture resilience, inspire personal growth, and cultivate a future where every young individual has the tools, opportunities, and support to realize their full potential.

Vision Statement:

At The Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation, our vision is centered on youth empowerment and self-actualization. We envision a world where all underserved youth are uplifted, their voices are heard, their dreams are valued, and their potential is unlocked. We strive to create an inclusive community where every young person has equal access to resources, opportunities, and mentorship, enabling them to shape their destiny and become catalysts for positive change.


TWCUYC needs funds and resources to sustain the following programs:

Through our youth-centered programming, we address critical areas of need and provide vital services:

1. 24-Hour Crisis Line: We establish a responsive and accessible platform that allows youth to seek immediate support and guidance during distress or uncertainty.

2. STD/HIV Prevention, Awareness, and Treatment Resources: We equip youth with comprehensive knowledge, resources, and support to make informed decisions about their sexual health, prevent the spread of STDs and HIV, and access appropriate treatment and care.

3. Resilience Rising- Housing for Youth Impacted by HIV: We create a safe and nurturing housing environment that specifically caters to the unique needs of youth impacted by HIV, fostering stability, community, and holistic well-being.

4. Group Violence Intervention Strategy: We implement targeted interventions and programs that empower youth to navigate away from violence, offering alternatives, mentorship, and skills to resolve conflicts peacefully.

5. Gang Exit Strategy: We provide specialized support, mentorship, and resources to youth involved in gangs, offering a pathway towards disengagement, personal growth, and positive community engagement.

6. Recidivism Reduction/Prison Prevention: We offer youth comprehensive support, resources, and mentorship to successfully complete probation, reduce the likelihood of reoffending, and pave the way for a future free from involvement in the criminal justice system.

7. Financial Assistance and Education: We provide youth practical financial support, guidance, and educational opportunities to enhance their financial literacy, independence, and long-term stability.

8. Training and Referrals: We offer dynamic training programs tailored to the specific needs of youth, including financial education, business ownership management, resume writing, interviewing skills, and referrals to trade schools and other educational pathways.

9. Community Service: We actively encourage and engage youth in meaningful community service, allowing them to discover their innate ability to positively impact, develop empathy, and actively contribute to improving their communities.

10. Mental Health Referrals: We prioritize the mental well-being of youth by connecting them with trusted mental health resources, referrals, and support systems, ensuring their emotional needs are addressed with care and compassion.

11. Summer Jobs/Internships and Felony-Friendly Employment Referrals: We provide youth access to summer jobs, internships, and connections to employers who understand their past experiences, fostering career development, skill-building, and a pathway towards economic stability.

Through our unwavering commitment to youth empowerment, The Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation strives to provide support, guidance, and opportunity for underserved youth. We are dedicated to creating a future where every young person’s potential is realized, their dreams are celebrated, and their voices are amplified.

Equity Statement

At TWCUYC, a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment is one where all employees, clients, donors, board members, and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability, feel valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal employment and advancement opportunities in all our departments, programs, and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard.

We’re committed to modeling diversity and inclusion for the entire nonprofit sector and maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment.

Organization Data


Organization name

Wright Cause Urban Youth Conservation

other names


Tax id (EIN)




Youth & Children, Justice-involved adults or youth, Housing, Shelter & Homelessness

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latinx, Native American

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair


DALLAS, TX 75208



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