Dallas Townview Magnet Foundation

A nonprofit organization

Our impact is felt by the more than four hundred students, many of which are Title I eligible, thru our support systems we are developing. This is our second year of existence and we expect there will be many more opportunities to support specific student needs as the year goes on, but have focused on building an initial foundation of information and resources for students which we will build upon from here.

Our Needs

We are seeking $20,000 to create an initial capital expenses and project fund to support requested programs.


Our community based nonprofit is focused on communicating school news to build a community of awareness and support so that Townview students succeed in their quest for college and career readiness. We enable student success and community partnership through financial scholarships, tutoring, internships, volunteer experience, and educational materials and accommodations.

Organization Data


Organization name

Dallas Townview Magnet Foundation

Tax id (EIN)




Education - K-12, Education - STEM, Education - Career Prep

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served


BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latinx

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair


PO Box 12481
Dallas, TX 75225



Social Media