Positivelee Inspired Inc

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

Your donations and purchase of “PositiveLee Inspired” will provide hope and food to the Homeward Bound Heroes in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro areas.  Our Free Book Signing & Meal Donation program like the one launched at The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center is an incredible opportunity to continue a tour of events similar events at other organizations to help inspire hope with those who need it most…one person at a time. Because of your gift, each client resident will receive a personalized autographed book filled with 200 pages of positive and uplifting messages to inspire and feed the mind, body, and soul. With your help, we will be able to expand our book signing events to distribute free book copies and matching meal donations for every FREE PositiveLee Inspired Book autographed onsite.


For every book purchased, 2 or more meals will be donated to a hungry or homeless person in need. Every donation will be used to print and distribute multiple inspirational books, and free meals to support programs providing compassionate care and spiritual encouragement to anyone seeking nurturing hope through a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In appreciation for every $25 or more donation, I will send a signed autographed book copy of “PositiveLee Inspired” to help every reader to live a life that is filled with hope every day. Our nonprofit pilot fundraising program started in Dallas and has provided over 2,500 combined meal and book donations. We will use incoming contributions to expand the program to support the over 500 homeless shelter ministries throughout Texas, and over 6,000 programs in major cities throughout the U.S. 

Give the Gift of Meals and Inspirational Books.

Every donation goes directly to local community organizations providing meals for needy people. Every donated dollar helps provide more meals and PositiveLee Inspired books to: 

• Hungry children and their families 

• Homeless military veterans 

• Struggling seniors With every donation, we will also provide each organization with free copies of PositiveLee Inspired for distribution to their volunteers and participants in Bible and spiritual enrichment Christian ministry programs.


Everyone needs to have H.O.P.E. - Having Optimistic & Positive Expectations - about having enough food to eat, a roof over their heads and a comfortable future life. Our goal is to use PositiveLee Inspired book signing & meal donation events through our nonprofit organization to begin helping to inspire more hope and provide more meal donations to the millions of Homeward Bound Heroes who struggle every day to live with dignity. Through our PositiveLee Inspired FREE book signing events, we will help create Hope....one person at a time!


With your donation support, and the ongoing book sponsorship contributions from my website at PositiveLeeInspired.org, we will be able to continue to print and distribute free copies of PositiveLee Inspired books and give meal donations to local homeless support programs by making available:

• 1,000 meal and book donations to organizations who provide needed uplifting support to people in need.

• 500 “Welcome Home” gifts to congratulate and encourage people who have been helped to transition from homelessness to a permanent place they can call home.

• 500 Volunteer appreciation gifts to the many dedicated supporters who selflessly provide amazing homeless relief services throughout the U.S.

Equity Statement

Our nonprofit is a new start-up with current net assets of $5,000

Organization Data


Organization name

Positivelee Inspired Inc

other names

PositiveLee Inspired

Tax id (EIN)




Religion/Spiritual Focus, Housing, Shelter & Homelessness, Hunger, Food Access & Nutrition

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Dallas, Tarrant

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latinx, Native American, Other

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


DALLAS, TX 75249



Social Media