Hope Renewed Ministries Inc

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

Hope Renewed Ministries is a nonprofit organization set out to add extra layer of value to the lives of the needy we are privileged to serve. Our primary mission is based on the Solomon’s word of wisdom; “Anyone who is kind to the poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward him for what he has done.”

Countless of children, adults, widows, and other categories of needy people fill out our society in the cities and sub-urban whose daily challenges include means of daily survival. We recognize that, in most cases, the problem is out of their own making. 

We know that when food, shelter, and clothes are taken out of man’s needs, greater percentages of the needs are solved.

This is where Hope Renewed Ministries comes in. To those who would otherwise have no food, we take food to them, those that are nicked, and lonely, we provide clothing for them. Any known need we are not able to meet, we sought for resources that will meet them. We have discovered that humbly getting down and rolling up our sleeves help us discover how much the needs are and how much we need to do.

Hope Renewed Ministries is a movement more than a strategy. It’s a movement to give hope to the hopeless through love of Christ who is the hope for the whole world.


Hope Renewed ministry is concern and passionate about bringing the needed help and support to the destitute and the helpless with whatever it takes to better there situation.


1. Money for operation

2. Food Storage and pantry

3. Vehicle for easy transportation

Equity Statement

Well over $15,000.00 have been spent since the establishment of the ministry. Donations from ministry friends and partners help to fund the ministry activity to date.

Organization Data


Organization name

Hope Renewed Ministries Inc

Tax id (EIN)




Economic/Financial Security/Poverty, Housing, Shelter & Homelessness, Hunger, Food Access & Nutrition

Operating Budget

$100,000 - $249,999

Counties Served

Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Rockwall, Tarrant

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


701 Dalworth St
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Social Media