Sierra Club Foundation, fiscal sponsor of the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$1,500 Goal

Funds raised through the North Texas Giving Day will support the charitable activities of the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club, whose mission is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives. Through its environmental education programs, including monthly meetings, film screenings, participation in community events, and special programs for children, the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club draws people of all ages and walks of life into efforts to protect our environment.


The Sierra Club Foundation promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment and is the 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club Group's charitable programs.


Our needs include: Funds to bring dynamic, exciting, educational speakers to our monthly meetings to speak on topics such as protecting wildlife, water conservation, solar energy, air quality, environmental justice, the effects of climate change, and other meaningful and timely topics; funds to purchase environmental films and rent space for public viewings; funds to support environmental education, such as items needed for environmentally themed games and activities for community events such as Fort Worth Open Streets, Fort Worth Earth Day, etc.

Equity Statement

The Sierra Club embraces, values and respects a variety of social and cultural characteristics including, but not limited to race, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental/physical ability, religion, and age. In order for the Sierra Club to fulfill its mission and be a leader in the progressive movement, we commit to celebrating diversity, ensuring inclusion and working towards equity in all we do. We believe diversity, inclusion, and equity are essential to our mission because:

§ Diversity is a conservation necessity and social imperative that will enable the Club to remain a leader in the environmental movement.

§ Inclusion fosters the involvement of all persons and organizations that share our vision for a healthy planet.

§ Environmental equity ensures that everyone has the right to experience nature and access to clean water, clean air, clean soil, and a safe environment.

We acknowledge that in order to be a truly diverse and inclusive organization we will exercise commitment to these goals within issue advocacy, the way we do business and how we interact with one another and our external partners. In support of the mission of the Sierra Club, we strive to be accessible and inclusive, and to recruit, engage, support and cultivate leadership from all communities in our work and activities. Our vision is for our volunteers, leaders, members, staff, and supporters to reflect the diversity of our nation's communities. In an ongoing effort, we will build and integrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion into our conservation initiatives, program strategies, membership, workforce, structure, budget, business practices, communications and the overall culture of the Sierra Club.

Organization Data


Organization name

Sierra Club Foundation, fiscal sponsor of the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club


Environment & Conservation

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Johnson, Parker, Tarrant

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


6728 Kirkwood Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76116



Social Media