Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$7,000 Goal

Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool: Empowering Families Through Education

Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool (CCP) is a small cooperative school located in Denton, Texas. Our motto, "Where the Parents Make the Difference," encapsulates the essence of our unique approach. CCP was established in 1971, originally known as Little Creek Preschool, by a group of dedicated parents who envisioned a quality preschool education for their children at an affordable cost, during a time when preschools were not as widespread.

Our History and Mission

Founded in an era when preschool options were scarce, Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool emerged from the determination of parents seeking the best for their children. These pioneering parents wanted a nurturing, stimulating environment that would lay a strong educational foundation without the prohibitive costs often associated with quality early childhood education. Their vision was to create a place where children could thrive through play-based learning, guided by the interests and developmental stages of each child.

Unique Cooperative Model

What sets CCP apart is our cooperative nature, which places parents at the heart of the school’s operations. We are a play-based, child-led preschool where the curriculum is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs and curiosities of the children. Parent volunteers are integral to the functioning of CCP, undertaking the majority of business administrative tasks, including budgeting, marketing, fundraising, maintenance, and membership, through their roles on the Executive Board. This high level of parental involvement ensures that our school remains community-oriented and responsive to the needs of our families.

Parents are also encouraged to volunteer in the classrooms, especially in the two older groups, serving as teacher’s helpers 1-2 times per month. This arrangement provides invaluable physical assistance to the teachers while allowing parents to contribute their unique skills, interests, and talents to the classroom environment. Whether it’s a parent with a knack for storytelling, a talent for music, or a background in science, these contributions enrich the learning experience for all children. This cooperative model is a rarity in North Texas, attracting families from Denton, Aubrey, Argyle, Corinth, Lewisville, and Lake Dallas.

Educational Philosophy

Our educational philosophy is rooted in the belief that early childhood is a critical period for development. Research continually underscores that these formative years set the stage for a child's future happiness, well-being, and overall success. The United Nations even recognizes play as a fundamental human right for children. At CCP, we embrace this philosophy by fostering a play-based, child-led approach that allows children to explore, discover, and learn at their own pace.

Having parents deeply involved in their child's education offers significant advantages. It creates a robust support system for the children and enhances the educational experience by integrating diverse perspectives and skills. However, the benefits extend beyond the children; parents also gain immensely from this involvement. Early childhood is not only formative for the child but also crucial for parents as they navigate the early stages of their parenting journey. Being part of a supportive, tight-knit community helps parents feel more confident and capable, enabling them to provide the best possible upbringing for their children.

Holistic Approach to Family Well-being

At CCP, we take a holistic approach to family well-being. By nurturing children and fostering a cooperative environment, we support the entire family unit. Parents benefit from being part of a diverse, positive cultural environment, which helps them succeed in their parenting roles. This comprehensive approach ensures that both children and parents are supported, creating a thriving community where everyone can grow and flourish.


The mission of Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool (CCP) is to support the holistic development of children and their families within a nurturing and enriched learning environment. By fostering a collaborative community where dedicated educators and engaged parents work hand-in-hand, we provide a high-quality, developmentally appropriate program that emphasizes the importance of creative play in nurturing social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. Through active family involvement and a focus on holistic development, CCP aims to empower children to become confident, independent thinkers and compassionate individuals, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and community engagement.


As we celebrate over 50 years of operation, we mark a significant milestone: the purchase of the building we had been renting. This achievement, however, coincided with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic significantly impacted our enrollment and disrupted the sense of community that is central to our cooperative model.

To address these challenges and continue our mission, we have several pressing needs:

1. Enrollment Recovery: Rebuilding our enrollment numbers to pre-pandemic levels is crucial. This involves outreach to new families, enhancing our marketing efforts, and showcasing the unique benefits of our cooperative preschool.

2. Community Engagement: Strengthening our community ties is essential. We want to strengthen our community ties through social events and family activities that encourage parent and child participation. These activities will help restore the supportive network that is the backbone of CCP.

3. Facility Upgrades and Maintenance: With the purchase of our building, we now have the responsibility of maintaining and upgrading our facilities. We aim to create a safe, inviting, and stimulating environment for our children. This includes renovating classrooms, improving playgrounds, and ensuring that our facilities meet all health and safety standards.

4. Financial Stability: Ensuring the financial stability of CCP is crucial. We need to secure funding through grants, donations, and fundraising activities. A robust financial foundation will allow us to continue offering affordable, high-quality education and to support our unique cooperative model.

5. Enhanced Programs and Resources: We aspire to expand our educational programs and resources. This includes incorporating new teaching materials, technology, and activities that enhance our play-based, child-led approach. Investing in professional development for our teachers will also ensure that we provide the best possible education for our children.

6. Support for Families: The pandemic has impacted many of our families economically and emotionally. We aim to offer additional support through scholarships, financial aid, and resources for mental health and well-being. By providing this support, we help our families navigate these challenging times and strengthen our community as a whole.

Addressing these needs is essential for the continued success and growth of Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool. With the collective effort of our dedicated parents, staff, and supporters, we are confident that we can overcome these challenges and build a brighter future for our children and community.

Organization Data


Organization name

Cornerstone Cooperative Preschool

Tax id (EIN)




Education - Early Childhood

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served



1100 N. Elm St
Denton, TX 76201



Social Media