Agape Resources 10 year Anniversary Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Agape Resource & Assistance Center, Inc.
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Your giving helps Agape provide safe, stable housing and, support services to women and children.


raised by 3 people

$1,000 goal

An Opportunity to help other Women and Children

The reason I am asking for your support is because Agape truly needs our help.  It is improving the lives of many homeless women and their families.   With homelessness increasing at dramatic rates, it's essential for our community to support nonprofits that address these issues.  For their first ten years, Agape has provided safe, stable housing and transformational services to homeless single women, moms and their children that empower them to move from crisis and poverty to fulfilling, self-sustaining lives.  Of these families served, 76% have graduated with jobs that enable them to provide homes and stability for their children whose past experiences no longer define their future hopes. Agape needs our help with funding and volunteering. Please join me to support this worthy cause.

"I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves!" 

Agape provides HOPE, HELP, AND HOME.

This fundraiser supports

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Agape Resource & Assistance Center, Inc.

Organized By Sue Hasty

Giving Activity


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