YOUR human impact!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Human Impact
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Thank you so much for helping make a real human impact in the lives of many who are in need.


raised by 5 people

$1,000 goal

At The Human Impact (THI), we exist to befriend the homeless and bridge the relational gaps that exist in our Dallas communities by bringing together people who otherwise would rarely intersect and helping them build real relationships with one another.

In my own life, I've experienced so much healing and joy from doing life alongside amazing community, so I know the blessings that come from having healthy and reliable friends to both celebrate the highs in life with and walk with me through its lows.

At THI, we not only get to watch our friends experiencing homelessness find healing through relationship, but we also get to experience God's healing love ourselves through our friends. And more than that, we get to invite others—individuals, families, kiddos—into this mission of impact through relationships. Will you join us?

Thank you so much for your time and for giving on this North Texas Giving Day!

This fundraiser supports

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The Human Impact

Organized By Dana Spangenberg

Giving Activity


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