Support For Oak Cliff's Food Justice Initiatives

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

For Oak Cliff
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Give today to help us distribute 10,000 meals & fresh produce in the Superblock.


raised by 5 people

$4,000 goal

For Oak Cliff serves the Superblock, which comprises the zip code of 75216. Our community faces extreme health disparities. Parkland's Community Health Needs Assessment shows that 75216 has the highest rate of preventable disease prevalence in Dallas County. Life expectancy is only an average of 71 years compared to 90 years in 75204, just a few miles north. The history of systemic oppression in this area persists in the form of food deserts and food insecurity. 

Our food justice initiatives are lifelines for our members who get wholesome food from our center. Your generous donations will go toward the following.

1. Hot Meals Program:

Nutritious hot meals profoundly impact the well-being of vulnerable individuals, including low-income families, seniors, and children. 

Provide 150 hot meals per week to address immediate hunger and malnutrition.

  1. Q4 of 2023: 1800 meals over 12 weeks
  2. Q1-Q4 of 2024: 7800 meals over 52 weeks
  3. Meals are approx. $7.30 each and are created by nutritionists and chefs at The Cooks Nook.
  4. Enhance the quality of meals by incorporating locally sourced, sustainable ingredients that promote health and well-being.

2. Fresh Produce Initiative - Community Supported Agriculture (CSA):

Access to fresh and locally grown produce is essential for improving nutritional intake and combating chronic diseases. 

  1. Expand partnerships with local Black and Brown farmers and suppliers to procure diverse fresh produce, ensuring high-quality and seasonal offerings.
  2. Implement educational programs and workshops to empower individuals to make informed dietary choices and develop lifelong healthy eating habits.
  3. Launch community gardens, orchards, and urban farming projects to promote food sovereignty, enabling individuals to grow their own nutritious food.

By investing in our hot meals program and fresh produce initiatives, you will contribute to the overall well-being of our community and support the long-term goals of food security and chronic disease prevention. The impact of your generous funding will extend far beyond immediate hunger relief, creating a sustainable and healthier future for those in need.

Please contact me at if you have questions or want to get involved.

This fundraiser supports

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For Oak Cliff

Organized By Julianna Bradley

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