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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Agape Resource & Assistance Center, Inc.
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Your giving helps Agape provide safe, stable housing & support services to women and children.


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

At Agape there is a HOME,      there is HELP,                               and there is HOPE

To proactively address the oppressive impact of situational homelessness on women and children, Agape was established by Rev Janet Collinsworth in 11/2013 to provide housing and transformational services to homeless women, moms and their children that empower them to move from crisis and poverty to fulfilling self-sustaining lives. We do this through a collaborative community continuum of care that enables Agape to connect with other agencies, faith groups and municipalities opposed to homelessness and domestic violence and work together to provide safe, stable housing, transformational support services and empowering hope to single women with a specific focus on their children. In response to the urgent needs of this vulnerable demographic, Agape created Housing 4 Hope (H4H), a unique, holistic, 2-generational, faith-based program serving women led families by providing safe, stable housing and transformation services to single women, moms and their children in crisis or living at or below the poverty level.

Funds raised through the generous support of North Texas Giving Day donors and sponsors will provide resources needed to help women and children overcome the oppression of homelessness, poverty and abuse and look forward with hope to futures not limited or defined by their past.

We cannot do this without YOU! With people like you, we have had 10 successful years. With people like you, we can have 10 more, and more!

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