Help 6 Stones Harvest Hope!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

6 Stones Mission Network
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Help us share hope and the love of Christ with neighbors in crisis in our community!


raised by 4 people

$2,500 goal

6 Stones was created from the needs of the community in 2009, and we're seeing the needs expand, both broader and deeper than they have been before. Our rescue programs are taxed, and our recovery programs need to scale to address these deeper needs. This fundraiser will enable us to respond as necessary in any of our programs.

Our programs provide our neighbors with immediate needs such as food and clothing, support at-risk youth though our school based initiatives such as Night of Hope and Liga soccer, and help break the cycle of generational poverty through our Momentum Mentoring program and 6Stones University. Through each of these programs, we share the love of Christ and the Gospel message with our Neighbors. Please help us raise funds to continuing being the hands and feet of Jesus in this community!

This fundraiser supports

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6 Stones Mission Network

Organized By Mary Nelson

Giving Activity


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